Fundoo Times
To get smooth and glowing feet, you need to take care of your feet! Read this article for an idea on foot care tips, foot problems, body posture and footwear, and foot conditions and chiropodist.

Foot Care And You

If you wish to have fully functional feet even at a ripe old age then you better master the art of proper maintenance! The feet are definitely one of the areas of our body that deserves special care since they endure severe physical abuse in the form of walking, running etc. Foot problems are said to increase with age. But when you are young and have abnormal symptoms on your foot, it is time you resort to some foot care tips. The right techniques of foot care make your feet look much better and keep the infectious diseases at bay. A basic regimen for your feet should include regular washing and drying, especially between the toes and the base of nails. An average person takes about 8,000 to 10,000 steps every day. Add that to a person living for approximately 80 years and it is almost equivalent to walking four times around the world! A podiatrist someone who studies and checks your feet, ankle and lower leg for signs of any disorders. If you want to avoid visiting him, then read the article below for a few tips and possible foot problems that can be treated.

Foot Care Tips And You
  • Soak your feet in a large basin or bowl that contains warm water and mineral salts. After ten minutes, squeeze the juice of a lemon and add a few neem leaves. Keep it there for a while since the neem has antiseptic properties. Remove and pat dry.
  • Walking is best exercise for your legs. Indulge in a brisk walk atleast thrice a week. This keeps your foot muscles strengthened and also increases blood circulation to the toes.
  • After a long day outdoors, rinse your feet using lukewarm water and an antibacterial soap. Scrub your heels thoroughly with the help of a pumice stone. Wash off the soap and dry.  To keep your feet odour-free, make use of products like foot powders, foot sprays and specially designed insoles.
  • If you don't have time for a pedicure, the least you can do is to trim your nails to a suitable length, preferably a square cut. To make it easier, you could do this right after bathing or washing your feet. Remember to keep your feet moisture-free by towel drying it.
  • Wear clean socks or stockings but don't forget to change them daily! Adorning anything too short or tight will harm the foot by depriving the pores the ability to breathe.
  • Ankle Pump Up: This exercise helps increase ankle dorsiflexion and strengthens muscles in the front of your lower leg (shin).
  • Bent Knee Wall Stretch: This workout helps in stretching one of the calf muscles called the soleus.
  • Toe Pick Ups: This helps in improving the flexibility of your toes. Place a pile of objects on the floor and use your toes to pick them up.
Foot Problems, Body Posture And Footwear
  • Plantar Fasciitis: Increased stress on the arch of your foot which results in inflammation and pain while standing or sometimes, even during resting. The heel is the most affected area.
  • Bunion: This refers to an enlargement located near the base of the big toe. The swelling is made up of a fluid-filled sac under the skin. Bunions are usually painful and can be aggravated by strenuous activity and wearing tight shoes.
  • Hammer Toes: A hammer toe is also referred to as a claw toe or mallet toe. It involves a deformity wherein there is an imbalance of the ligaments. Either the ligament on top of the foot pulls harder or the ligament at the bottom pulls harder. This results in curling up of toes.
The skin on your feet is very delicate and for it to look beautiful you must take good care. The road to smooth and supple feet is hygiene, a healthy diet and maintenance.

Feet Care Tips For Life
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Foot Care Tips
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General Foot Conditions And Treatment
As our feet are spent in closed footwear all day long, bacteria and fungi tend to thrive and survive. Occurrence of any microbial infection causes dehydration, redness, blisters, itching and peeling of the skin. If these are not treated properly then there is a chance of a relapsed infectivity.

Natural Foot Care Ideas
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Foot Trouble Prevention Tips
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Tips For Proper Footwear
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Tips For Trimming Toenails
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Washing Tips For Your Feet
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