Fundoo Times
Read all about belpharoplasty, how to prepare for eyelid surgery and tips for recovery from eyelid surgery.

Eyelid Surgery Tips

Belpharoplasty, medical term for eyelid surgery, is a blessing in disguise for those who are born with droopy eyelids and sagging eye lines. This surgical modification of the eyelid not only makes your eyes look attractive but also adds a fresh new dimension to your personality. The increasing stress and work pressure, along with improper diet and incomplete sleep, can cause wrinkles and puffiness around the eyes making you look older than your actual age. Eyelid surgery, which can be done along with other facial surgeries, can help correct flabby eyelids. Generally, belpharoplasty is conducted after the patient is a given local anesthesia or put under sedation. In this surgical procedure, the price generally depends on various factors such as age, health risks, and location of the place. The surgery can take anywhere from two to four hours to complete. Scroll down the article to know more on how to prepare for an eyelid surgery and tips for recovery from eyelid surgery.

How To Prepare For Eyelid Surgery
  • Before undergoing eyelid surgery, visit the surgeon's office for a series of tests, usually performed to evaluate your eyesight and capability to produce tears. Also, give a copy of your previous eye exam records to your plastic surgeon to give him/her a fair idea. During the consultation, don't hesitate to ask questions and clear all your doubts related to the surgical procedure.
  • The doctor will not only tell about the operation in detail but will also give tell you what all preparation you need to do for the eyelid surgery, the kind of medications you should take post surgery, after-care, foods to avoid, etc. Those who smoke are generally advised to kick the habit weeks before the surgery, as smoking tends to slow the process of healing.
  • It's worthwhile to make prior arrangements when it comes to accommodation and staying over. If you don't want to rely on your immediate friends or relatives, then you can directly approach your surgeon's office and ask for post-surgery nursing services, which are usually offered at a reasonable price.
Tips For Recovery From Eyelid Surgery
  • Post surgery, it's necessary to take plenty of rest and not do any kind of strenuous work like washing clothes, cleaning, etc, especially, for the first few days. Though you may watch television and read books for some time, overdoing it may increase swelling and blur your vision.
  • Make sure that friends or family members are always there around you, so that they can help you during any emergency or when you need their assistance. For the first three days, avoid bending over and or indulging in physical activities that can strain you.
  • If you feel irritation in the eyes, you can apply lubricating drops or cold / warm compresses. Take a clean cloth and dip it in cold or warm water and then apply it on your eyes. Doing this several times a day will not only reduce swelling and bruising but also relax your eyes.
  • The surgeon will usually prescribe ointments or creams to be applied on the eye lids and the surrounding areas. Apply the ointments with a clean finger, during the initial. Wash your hands properly before and after the application.
  • Women should avoid wearing any kind of heavy make-up during the first ten days.
  • Patience is an important weapon you must possess if you want to banish post-surgery problems like swelling, bruising, and redness among others. Sometimes, patients may face a little bleeding, which is completely normal and disappears within a couple of weeks.