Fundoo Times
Myrrh essential oil ensures the overall wellness of human beings. Read about its uses, health benefits and properties.

Myrrh Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Commiphora myrrha
Aroma: WWoody, balsamic, earthy
Properties: Antimicrobial, balsamic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and antiseptic
Uses: Bronchitis, Halitosis, Ringworm, Itching, Athlete's Foot, Toothache, Chapped Skin

Myrrh owes its name to the Hebrew word 'murr' which means bitter. It is extracted from the sap of Comminphoramyrra that is found widely in Somalia and Ethiopia. Myrrh is used as an herbal medicine, in form of an ointment or a liquid. Fernet-Branca is a bitter fragrant drink that was brewed from 27 different herbs and spices and it included Myrrh as an ingredient. A spooky fact about Myrrh is that it was used for mummifying the Egyptians! Essential oil extracted from this herb has special significance in religious rites too because of its status as one of the most ancient sacred oils. Greek traditions say that every soldier carried Myrrh in his pouch when he left for war. The healing properties of Myrrh oil were believed to help them survive serious wounds. This dried gum resin has antiseptic properties which has the ability to soothe inflamed tissues in the mouth. Hence, it is commonly used in the manufacture of mouthwashes. Now, Myrrh is obtainable in an extract form (capsulated) and a botanical powder (capsulated). The Myrrh essential oil has been used as a popular fragrance that possesses a musky, dark and seductive smell. Read more for information on its uses, health benefits and properties.

Myrrh Essential Oil Uses
  • It is very commonly used in the manufacture of perfumes and is one of the most cherished aromas of the ancient world and is still used till date.
  • Myrrh is considered to be an anti-fungal agent too, which means that it can help in treating skin diseases such as herpes and yeast infections.
  • It serves as an excellent stimulant and is also used in the preparation of astringent.
  • This essential oil is used in the preparation of many antiseptic ointments since they form an excellent relief for wounds and burns. It is safe to use and does not allow inflammation on the skin.
  • Myrrh oil is used in the production of beauty soaps because of its rejuvenating property. It can also stimulate the body in the production of antibodies and hence improve the immune system.
Myrrh Oil Health Benefits
  • Myrrh essential oil can get rid of a sore throat or other throat irritations on account of its antibacterial properties. The oil is known to be beneficial for people suffering from sinus attacks.
  • The essential oil has proved to reduce triglycerides and cholesterol levels in the blood. According to research studies, Myrrh oil reduces the blockage of blood in the arteries which is useful in averting heart attacks or strokes. Not only this, it can also increase blood flow in capillaries for better circulation in your body.
  • Myrrh essential oil helps in detoxification of the body and hence reduction in mucus and phlegm production. The oil is generally goldenish yellow or brown and it has a very warm, earthy, woody and balsamic aroma that attracts people of all generations.
  • This oil acts as a great body toner. Application of Myrrh oil on the body could help in preventing diseases such as bronchitis, halitosis, ringworm, itching, athlete's foot, toothache and chapped skin etc.
  • Myrrh oil is good option for women who suffer from menstrual problems. A few drops of it can relieve the body from cramps and aches.
  • It is not necessary to take Myrrh essential oil only if you are ailing from some disease. You can also use it as a tonic for good health and for toning up the general immunity in your body. If taken in a proper dosage, it is also known to slow down the ageing process.
  • Myrrh essential oil behaves like a diaphoretic. This means that it can increase sweat production in your body and remove toxins. The excessive salts and water seep during the cleaning process. It can also help in flushing out harmful gases like nitrogen, from your body.
Myrrh essential oil should not be used by pregnant women it stresses on the uterine wall. But even consumption/usage of small dosages must be consulted with an aroma therapist.